So this is a new thing that I hope will go viral but it’s simple. My favorite type of collages are like this. Also I love the “quote” if it’s considered one but yea. Bye my seashells!


😊Tap😊 So this is a new thing that I hope will go viral but it’s simple. My favorite type of collages are like this. Also I love the “quote” if it’s considered one but yea. Bye my seashells!

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sure! what part do you wanna do?
My name is not Kristina but ok.
sure any specific theme or style of mine?
wow amazing!!
new collage!! i would love if you could check it out☺️
thanks! i love your collages
we should collab sometime!
sure! can you make the chat page
is that you?
sure btw my main is Ocean-tides
you guys are sooo lucky I live in South Africa and right now it’s winter plus it never snows so it’s winter and no snow bummer
tysm for the likes!