Sup so I think I might stick with this style :) I'm a text girl. Backgrounds kill me ://


Tapppoo Sup so I think I might stick with this style :) I'm a text girl. Backgrounds kill me ://

23 0
thank you!
heyyy I’m good thanks hbu? xx
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hiya! before you start the survey that you have amazingly volunteered to, I just need a signature from you. By signing, you will agree to a) answering most of the questions truthfully and honestly in your own and only opinion. b) to answer at least half of the questions and if so to state a valid reason why. c) to NOT make fun or bully anyone else’s opinion that I survey on. And d) to read all questions carefully, taking your time and completing the answers on a separate collage. tysm again and if you agree to all of the above, please remix me either your username or name. have fun!🌻🌿