Collage by -jake-_


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give the bear to kari😂
aww I bet she loved it
that’s sooo sweet
ha bye
that bear gives me the creeps lmaô
I'm kinda scared that bear is creeps😧
hello I’m emmalina :) looking for some friends
ya lol
omg lol
hmm... why do you want to know lol
heyy I’m meadow
lol try 15
but I look old for my age ask anyone lol
but I have never gotten 39 before lol
it’s ok but yeah only 15. and a half technically because I turn 16 soon
yeah :)
hey I’m Hannah
I’m super bored,so nothing really ,yourself ?:)
how’re you?
why the dots? x I’m alright , thanks
oh aha
hmm I’ll think about it
I’m sorry, I fell asleep , but that sounds like what I do everyday :,)
awh 😂
oml Jake it’s be not me wow
hey love x
I just realised, that's not you. that morgz