Collage by Dirty_People


9 1
gnite babe
love u 😍😍
Night guys//All
hey is Caleb there I wanna chat with him for a bit
khole want me to talk to him rather than she talking to him so ya
Caleb I want you to know you were my everything I miss you like hèll come back to me baby
ya go back to her she frekin loves u
TY for talking to her 😍😍😍😘😘😘
hey Caleb
Caleb please can we talk
:( I miss you
ya me to 😔
so is this Caleb
babe !!!!
so are you gonna explain why you left me Caleb
aww baby I thought you left me for good I thought I would never speak to you again I cried
no I love you * hugs you tight
*starts making out with you*never ever leave me promise
babe are u here go
sry not the go come to my page and let’s chat
always*slips your shirt off
*sucks hard
babe !!!
*moans loud*
babe ??
hey baby can we chat
I wanna tty since I haven’t in like 3 days
why are u ignoring me
it's whatever I'm leaving in tired of being played
*holds in anger and tears and goes to my car*
no I'm tired of being played!
What's up
baby wyd
now u ignoring me?!!! where's John!!!
Caleb baby are you ignoring me
*slaps u and pours water on u*
I did I said wyd
u cheated on me and broke up with me !!
u said u was going to work and never commented back!!!!
u started talking to other people!!
ur flirting tho*tears up*
it's whatever *tear drops and goes to my car*
baby make a chat page for us
*crys softly*baby?
yay! :))
Caleb pls talk to me
now u ignoring me great
:( I miss u
sry Caleb it’s over
hey babe !!!❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😍😍😍
babe wanna chat or something??
Yes why?
k tyyy
I'm here
lol wanna chat then ???
on my page ????
Caleb if you wanted to do this why weren’t you fully committed I literally feel like we aren’t together*puts hands on head in stress*
hey hun and hey babe
wassup ?? babe
sry Caleb I hate it I really did love you but I want someone who’s gonna be there for me always and forever I felt like we weren’t even in a relationship did you really love me like you said or was it just a one night stand you never once asked me how my day was or how am I *crys*😭
maybe o w day you’ll understand *walks away still crying*
I'm sorry I'm just busy ok
hey Caleb * knocks on door
u got a shout out on my page
Caleb baby I’m sry ok ur right no one can love you like me I’m sry
Yea now I am