Sorry you guys I know I just posted something —> but I wanted to know if this was a lame idea or a good one 😂. Please tell the truth!! :3


Sorry you guys I know I just posted something —> but I wanted to know if this was a lame idea or a good one 😂. Please tell the truth!! :3

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I think it would be cool
Μέιλιμπι is honeybee in Greek I think it has a cool look
😂😂idk but at least it’s unique
and I just need a new icon bc I changed my name and stardust left pic collage (the one that made the one I have) so I’m looking for new ppl
yea she posted about it on her page it’s so sad pic collage is losing everyone
I’ll be honest...I think that other users wouldn’t understand and probably a lot of us don’t speak Latin. but if you like it, go with it!
oooo that’s super cool!!
yeah, I like that idea!👍🏼👍🏼⚡️✨
cool and I love those usernames ♥️
ooo i like florēre!
nice I like ur new one
thank you!❤️
oh nooo:(i’m sure you can think of other great usernames though
ooo I love your username
Thanks for the spam!
no problem!
NOOOOOOOOO! you know how much I hate latin lizzie
and plus latin is dead literally lol !
but do what ever its your life yolo
I think that would be cool especially if you use something like blossom also it's very original x go for it! 💕