I think I have insomnia.


I think I have insomnia.

41 0
aw that sucks man, I hope everything gets better, u should make sure if u have it or not or maybe get some help if u want. I hope it gets better tho
(reply) yes yes I agree
do you ski too fren?
hey Maddy! when i read your comment you came across as super kind! music is such an amazing thing to be passionate about,, hopefully it works out for you. and yessss i ship joshler in a bromance way too
the song weak by ajr is 10/10
Judah and The Lion is a great small band
and I'll give you the sun is an amazing book
I want a tattoo but I don't know what to get it of
fUdGe StRiPeS aRe ThE bEsT sNaCkO
aw that stinks. I go to vermont every winter with my family and I love it so much lol it's so much fun and thank you fren!
re: That's awesome! I started her with The Lightning Thief a few years ago when she hated reading, now she's gone through the whole PJO and Harry Potter series by herself, since I don't have time to read to her all the time anymore.
I should totally be a teacher 😂😂