caption —->
also for anyone who will see this, has piccollage gotten harder to work with? cause it’s kinda of annoying😅but like i love pc so i’ll deal


caption —-> also for anyone who will see this, has piccollage gotten harder to work with? cause it’s kinda of annoying😅but like i love pc so i’ll deal

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Thx :)
yes ma'am u can steal it from me 👌🏼
and whAT kitty is soo annoying ;-;
5. a huge regret i have was recent, actually 😔 there was this guy that asked me out and i said no because everyone didnt like him :( bUT hes nice and he wrote me a song 😯☺ but i already said no and i cant do anything now
14. im not very sure what to answer for this, but um ill get back to you 🙈🥴
20. the first thing i notice in a new person is prObablY if they smile and make eye contact with me or they start a conversation with me :)
Love the new username:)
I love the username change💕
love ur new username!