Hey! How are you all? I’m doing themes now, I started with this one!💕


Hey! How are you all? I’m doing themes now, I started with this one!💕

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haha thank you! love u too twin😂💕
haha 😂
ofc 👍
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, wanna chat on our chat page?
thank you so much!!!!
of course what ever you think! they are all beautiful 🤩
hey Chloe! not much for me lots of school, stress and socialising with the end of the semester approaching. what’s up with you? I’ve missed pc so much!!
you’re so lucky! holidays! *sigh*
Thank you!! My day is going well, went horseriding this morning :) How was your day?
I missed you too Chloe! your sweetness always brightens my day! that sound so nice!
wellll rn i’m reading pet sematary
hey is the-laughing-girl one of your second accounts?
awwww tysm chlo! oh okay, I just wondered because you have similar beautiful styles! <3
ofcccccc! I’m so looking forward to this new peachy theme! idk if I ended up telling you this but I love your new user btw! it’s so aesthetic
it really compliments your account! <333
yeah, I’ve never done them either. I’m not sure if I should start doing them or just keep doing my thing.
haha your so sweet too Chloé! lol I made you speechless 😂
anyway I gtg, was nice talking to you lovely 😘 <33
Haha I've been horseriding for most of my life, once a week :)
Aahh did you have fun in sicily?
My name's Anouk!! It's Dutch haha. What's yours?
oh haha lol! thanks Chloe!!!! guess I’ll take your advice and keep doing my thing. you’re the actual kindest and sweetest person ever!
awwww love you so much girl! <33
dit, tu pense que tu devrais pas vendre des posters de tes collages ? je pense que ça marcherai bien !